Gift Baskets


When flowers just won't do, check out our selection of quality crafted gift baskets. Each basket contains hand selected items, often in a fun theme to highlight the interest of the recipient.


If you've got a sweetheart that loves sweet treats, try a gift basket filled with chocolates and a stuffed animal. For the party animal, check out our selection of cold beer and wine gift baskets.


Custom Gift Baskets

Can't find the perfect gift in our pre-made selection of gift baskets?


Let us design the ideal gift basket that showcases your tastes and the interests of your recipient.


Our Gift Products

  • Cold beer and wine
  • Fruit baskets
  • Candy
  • Balloons
  • Stuffed animals

FREE consultation to create your gift basket

When you'd like to custom create a gift basket, we'll gladly consult with you for FREE to discuss the type of basket you'd like to make, the contents it should have, and the other details necessary to make the perfect gift to give.

Our gift baskets can be made to order. Pick up a pre-made basket or create your own!

FREE consultation to discuss our services.

Phone: 520-287-7779

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